Podcast: Behind-the-Case of "AI vs. Street Fighter II, Is GPT 3.5 Really Better Than 4.0?"
「AFLCafe | AFL 咖啡」是 AFL 的官方社区频道。我们鼓励 AI 开发者进行更多线下聚会和深度沟通,因为这才是我们人类,人工智能的主人,应有的学习和驾驭科技的姿势。
AFLCafe is the community channel of AI Futures Lab. We encourage AI builders do more in person meetups and in-depth conversations. Because this is how WE, human master of AI, shall most effectively learn and master technologies.
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Who & When
- Host: Chance Jiang, Director, AI Futures Lab
- Guests: Artem, Ron Ding, researchers / developers behind AFL's 1st cast study「AI 对战街霸 II:GPT-3.5 真的比 GPT-4.0 更强大吗?」(AI vs. Street Fighter II, Is GPT 3.5 Really Better Than 4.0?)
- Time of Recording: 22:30, Sept 8, 2023
Show Notes
- Introducing AFL and the 1st test case
- Introducing guests, Artem and Ron
- About the 1st case study, behind the scene story
- "AI vs. Street Fighter II, Is GPT 3.5 Really Better Than 4.0?"
- Questions we asked initially
- What we ended up in actual testing
- What are missing or we should have talked more about on the reporting
- What's next with AFL and the RBP - Researcher Bounty Program?
- What is AFLCafe? What we can do with it?
- Weekly event for driving conversation and collaboration among all people involved in AFL larger communities
- A build-in-public sessions for AI builders and researchers
- What to expect next regarding AFL's operation model
- Wrapping up